
巴阁士(上海)环保技术有限公司销售一般条款和条件 / General Terms and Conditions of Sales


General Terms and Conditions of Sale


1 Scope of Application and General

1.1 由巴阁士(上海)环保技术有限公司(“Mentor”)向客户交付货物和提供服务(以下合称为“货物”)应遵守本一般条款和条件(“GTC”)的规定。本GTC是MENTOR与客户(包括但不限于终端客户、代理商和其他销售渠道伙伴)之间所有报价、订单和协议的有效组成部分之一。

1.1 Any delivery of goods and provision of services (hereinafter collectively “Goods”) by Mentor. (“MENTOR) shall be subject to these General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”) set forth herein. These GTC form a constituent part of all offers, orders, and agreement between MENTOR and the Customer (including but not limited to end-user, dealer and other sales channel partners).


1.2 Deviating terms and conditions - unless agreed to in writing – do not apply.  MENTOR and the Customer may agree to terms and conditions deviating from these GTC, such terms shall then have priority over these GTC.  These GTC apply even if MENTOR provides the Goods with knowledge but without actual acceptance of deviating terms and conditions to the Customer.


2 Description of Goods


The description of and illustrations in any brochure, price lists, product information listed in internet websites and other leaflets or sales literature shall not form part of any agreement between MENTOR and the Customer. The description of Goods shall be subject to Sales Order, Configuration Lists, Technical Agreements confirmed by MENTOR in writing 


3 Prices and Payment Terms



3.1 Prices are DDP delivered site China (INCOTERMS 2010) including but not limited to road / rail or airworthy packing, and VAT at the rate prevailing at the time of agreement signature, unless otherwise agreed in writing.

The Prices shall only become binding after MENTOR’s written confirmation stamped with company seal, in any circumstances.

3.2  若出现MENTOR无法控制的情况导致MENTOR货物成本变更,则MENTOR保留变更货物价格并就额外费用向客户开具发票的权利,其中包括但不限于如下变更:


3.2 MENTOR reserves the right to alter the price of Goods and to invoice the Customer for such extra amount where the costs of the Goods to MENTOR has altered due to circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to the following changes:

EURO/RMB exchange rate variations beyond +/- 5% of originally agreed price, duties, taxes, customs charges, miscellaneous third party fees, design change costs and error correction charges.

3.3 客户应在收到发票后按照列明金额和约定币种以银行转账形式支付。付款所产生的费用应由客户承担。除非获得巴阁士的书面批准,否则不得有任何折扣。

3.3 Invoices shall be paid by bank transfer upon receipt without any deductions in the agreed currency. The Customer shall bear any cost associated with payment. No discount shall be allowed unless otherwise agreed by MENTOR in writing.

3.4 若巴阁士向在中国以外的地区供应货物,则此类货款支付应提供大型银行出具的、受益人为巴阁士、凭装运单据付款的不可撤销信用证。

3.4 Payments for Goods provided by MENTOR outside of China must be made by an irrevocable and confirmed commercial letter of credit issued by a major bank in favor of MENTOR against submission of the shipping documents.

3.5 支票或其他付款方式仅在另行签署协议明确约定的情况下方可被接受。若采用此类付款方式,则巴阁士能够实际支配相关款项之日才得以视为收款日。客户应承担所有折扣和手续费。

3.5 Cheques and other means of payment shall be accepted only based on a separate agreement. In the case of such means of payment, the day on which MENTOR can dispose over the relevant amount shall be deemed the date of receipt of payment. The Customer shall bear any discount and collection charges.

3.6 若经巴阁士合理判断后怀疑客户没有履行其支付义务的意愿或能力时,则巴阁士有权要求客户支付与发票金额相等的定金或保证金,以及中止其履行相关义务。

3.6 MENTOR reserves the right to demand a down payment or security equivalent to the invoice amount and to suspend the execution of its obligations, in case circumstances justify reasonable doubts to the Customer’s willingness or ability to fulfil his payment obligations.

3.7 客户同意每逾期一日按逾期未付款项(包括客户欠的所有款项)的0.025%向巴阁士支付迟延付款的违约金,直至客户向巴阁士支付货款完毕之日止。


3.7 The Customer agrees that it will pay MENTOR the liquidated damage for late payment, which is calculated based on overdue amounts (including all charges owing by the Customer) and at the rate of 0.025% per day, until Customer’s actual payment date.

This shall not apply if there’s sufficient evidence to prove MENTOR’s contractual non-performance(s) in advance, and Customer is entitled to the right to cease implementing its obligation for payment, until MENTOR performs its obligation first.


4 Retention of Title

4.1 除非另有书面约定,在客户付清所有巴阁士应收款项(包括未来应收款项)之前,已经巴阁士交付或安装的货物(“保留货物”)仍为巴阁士的财产,即巴阁士保留所有权,无论法律基础或者收款根据约定应逐项进行。

4.1 Goods delivered or installed by MENTOR (“Retained Goods”) shall, unless otherwise agreed in written, remain the property of MENTOR until all payment of any and all receivables (including future receivables), whatever the legal basis therefor, even if payments are made on itemised receivables.

4.2 在客户违约的情况下,尤其是付款违约,若客户在被警告后仍未改正,则巴阁士有权解除合同并收回保留货物。客户有义务返还保留货物。任何针对客户资产的破产程序申请一旦启动时,巴阁士有权立刻收回保留货物。

4.2 In case of breach of contract by the Customer, in particular, in the event of a default in payment, MENTOR may rescind the agreement upon due warning without remedy by the Customer and repossess the Retained Goods. The Customer shall be obliged to return the Retained Goods. Any application to commence insolvency proceedings over the Customer's assets shall entitle MENTOR to demand the immediate return of the Retained Goods.

4.3 客户应当根据货物交付地的国内法制度向巴阁士提供广泛支持以确保巴阁士对保留货物的所有权。

4.3 The Customer shall provide MENTOR with extensive support in order to protect MENTOR's ownership rights in the Retained Goods in accordance with the domestic legal system of the delivery location and destination.


5 Packaging


MENTOR agrees to provide the Goods with its standard packaging, unless otherwise agreed in written, and the standard packaging is included in the Price and will not be charged for extra by MENTOR.


6 Delivery and Passing of Risk



6.1 MENTOR may make partial deliveries, unless this would be unreasonable for the Customer or prohibited in written.

The delivery cost, including transit insurance (only applicable when additionally required by Customer & agreed by MENTOR in written), and collateral risks of potential loss or damage before the Goods arrives at named place shall be borne by MENTOR, unless otherwise agreed in written.

6.2 巴阁士和客户之间应就货物的所有商业和技术问题进行充分事前说明,且客户已履行与其相关所有义务,例如:文件、其他材料、许可证、放行证书的提供或预付款的支付,以确保能够符合双方约定的交货日期要求。如果客户未履行其上述义务,则货物的交付日期将合理地延长。如果延期交货责任在于巴阁士,则不得延长货物的交付日期。

6.2 Compliance with agreed deadlines for the provision of Goods shall require prior clarification of all commercial and technical questions between MENTOR and the Customer and that the Customer has met any and all obligations incumbent upon it, e.g. provision of documents, other materials, permits or releases, or payment of a down payment. Should this not be the case, the delivery time shall be reasonably extended. This shall not apply if MENTOR is responsible for the delay.

6.3 若遇不可抗力,尤其是自然灾害、机械损坏及其他无法预见的运行中断,卷入劳资纠纷,如罢工和停工,以及遭遇无法预见的障碍导致的错误交付或延期交付,同时此类事件并非因巴阁士的责任而引起,则货物的交付期限将合理地延长。如果由于上述事件导致无法交付或提供服务或该等交付或提供服务极为困难,则巴阁士有权解除协议的全部或部分条款。

6.3 The deadline for provision of Goods shall be reasonably extended in the event of Force Majeurein particular, in the case of natural events, mechanical damage and other unforeseeable operational disruptions, measures within the context of industrial disputes, in particular, strike and lockout, and in the event of unforeseeable hindrances, provided such incorrect or late delivery is not within the responsibility of MENTOR therefor. Should the relevant delivery or service become impossible or a hardship due to the aforementioned circumstances, MENTOR may rescind the agreement fully or partially.

6.4 除非另有书面约定,货物的意外损失或变质风险自运抵指定地点时转移至客户,即便分批交货或巴阁士同意提供其他服务比如运行或者安装。

6.4 Risks of accidental loss or deterioration shall pass to the Customer upon arrival of Goods at named place, even if partial deliveries are made or MENTOR has agreed to provide other services such as commissioning or installation, unless otherwise agreed in written.



7 Order cancellations


To the full extent permitted by law, orders for Goods shall not be cancelled by the Customer without MENTOR’s written consent in advance. The cancellation of any order shall be made on terms which indemnify MENTOR against all loss, including but not limited to order cancellation charge for at least 10% of order value.


8 Notice of Defects and Acceptance

8.1 客户应在收货后立即检查货物,以确定是否存在数量错误和运输损坏。若存在运输损坏的,客户应记录损坏情况用于准备向货代(递送公司、铁路部门、货运代理人等)申请补偿性赔偿。客户应立即将此损坏记录寄送至巴阁士,不得拖延。

8.1 The Customer shall inspect deliveries without undue delay following receipt, in order to ascertain any quantitative errors and transport damage. In the event of transport damage, a damage record shall be prepared in order to secure any compensatory damage claims against the forwarder (post, rail, shipping agent, etc.). Such damage record shall be sent to MENTOR without undue delay.

8.2 除非存在潜在缺陷,客户应在收到货物之日起三十(30)天内以书面形式提交缺陷记录。若客户发现潜在缺陷及其他服务存在履行瑕疵,其应在发现之日立即以书面形式通知巴阁士。

8.2 Defects can be asserted in writing only within thirty (30) days of receipt of the Goods, unless the relevant defect is latent. Latent defects and defective performance of other services shall be notified to MENTOR in writing without undue delay following discovery thereof.

8.3 若需要正式验收或双方明确约定了正式验收,则巴阁士应以书面形式通知客户准备进行验收。如果巴阁士发出书面通知之日起三十(30)天内客户未进行验收,则该期限结束即视为客户已验收货物合格,但因巴阁士的责任导致未验收合格的除外。在此情况下,巴阁士应通知客户已视为客户验收货物合格。本条款同样适用于部分验收的情况。

8.3 If a formal acceptance is required or expressly agreed upon, MENTOR shall notify the Customer in writing about readiness for acceptance. Should acceptance not take place within thirty (30) days following the written notification, the Goods shall be deemed accepted by the Customer upon expiry of such period, unless MENTOR is responsible for the non-acceptance. In this event, MENTOR shall notify the Customer that the Goods are deemed accepted. The same shall apply to partial acceptance.


9 Warranty

9.1 标准保修期限为自交付货物之日起12个月内。除非另有书面约定,若协议涉及巴阁士提供首次调试或其他服务的,则保修期限自交付项目的首次调试服务或项目验收之日起12个月,但最长不超过货物交付之日起18个月内。。

9.1 The standard warranty term shall be 12 months since the date of delivery of the Goods. In the event of agreement involving start-up service or other work performance by MENTOR, unless otherwise agreed in writing, the warranty shall 12 months following start up of the delivered item or acceptance of performance, but not later than 18 months from the date of delivery of the Goods.

9.2 若巴阁士提供的货物在风险转移前已经存在瑕疵且该瑕疵经证明与材料或工艺有关的,客户在发现该瑕疵时须及时通知巴阁士,则巴阁士有权选择免费修理或提供无瑕疵的替代货物(“保修服务”)。

10.2 Should there be a defect in any Goods provided by MENTOR and should notice thereof have been given in a timely manner, MENTOR shall, at its choice, remedy the defects free of charge or deliver defect-free replacement Goods ("Warranty Service"), provided the defect was already present upon the passing of risk, and the Goods are proven to have been defective in material or workmanship.

9.3 如下情况不适用保修服务:







9.3 The Warranty Service does not apply if:

(1) the Goods are suitable for normal use and manifest the quality that is normal for items of the same kind and that could be expected by the Customer;

(2) the ability to use one-off products is limited to the first use;

(3) inappropriate or improper use, incorrect storage, improper maintenance which is not accordance with instructions for used issued by MENTOR accompany the Goods;

(4) erroneous assembly or start-up by the Customer or third parties, erroneous or negligent handling, use of inappropriate operating resources, defective construction work, or chemical, electro-chemical or electrical influences for which MENTOR is not responsible;

(5) Customer or a third party perform improper repairs, and any modifications to the delivered Goods performed without MENTOR’s prior consent;

(6) natural wear and tear including corrosion.

9.4 客户应当向巴阁士提供必要的时间和机会以便于巴阁士能够履行任何和所有保修服务,特别是经巴阁士要求客户须将已交付货物送至巴阁士或巴阁士指定的车间。否则巴阁士将对任何相关后果免责。只有在安全受到威胁或为了防止不合理的巨大损失的紧急情况下(发生上述情况必须立刻通知巴阁士),客户有权自行或者委托第三方修复瑕疵并要求巴阁士支付必要费用。

10.4 The Customer shall provide MENTOR with the necessary time and opportunity to perform any and all Warranty Service. In particular, upon MENTOR request, the Customer shall send the delivered Goods to MENTOR or a workshop to be specified by MENTOR. Otherwise MENTOR shall be discharged from liability for any consequences. Only in urgent cases where safety is at risk or in order to prevent unreasonably large damage (in which case MENTOR must be notified immediately) may the Customer remedy the defect itself or arrange for the defect to be remedied by a third party and demand that MENTOR reimburse any necessary expenses.

9.5 若客户将已交付货物转移至经双方同意的交付目的地以外的其他地方,则客户主张保修服务所产生的额外费用,尤其是运费、差旅费、工时和材料费,将由客户自行承担,除非上述转移符合约定的货物使用目的。另外,巴阁士有权拒绝提供保修服务若因此产生不合理的费用。

9.5 Any claims on the part of the Customer based on the expenses required for Warranty Service, in particular, transport, travel, work and material costs shall be excluded, if such expenses occur because the Customer moved the delivered Goods to a different destination than the agreed delivery destination, unless the removal of the Goods conforms to the intended use of the Goods. Moreover, MENTOR may refuse to render Warranty Service if this would be associated with unreasonable costs.

9.6 任何因瑕疵责任经巴阁士更换的零部件所有权均归属于巴阁士。

9.6 Any parts replaced by MENTOR under warranty shall become the property of MENTOR and shall be returned to MENTOR if requested at no cost to the Customer.

9.7 若客户在签署协议之时已经知晓存在瑕疵,或者客户因重大过失未发现存在瑕疵的,客户无权主张任何瑕疵损害赔偿,除非巴阁士恶意隐瞒或者巴阁士提供与上述瑕疵有关的质量保证。

10.7 The Customer may not assert any claims for defect-related liability if it is aware of the defect upon execution of the agreement or is unaware thereof as a result of gross negligence, unless the defect was maliciously concealed by MENTOR or MENTOR provided a guarantee as to quality and said guarantee concerns the defect.


9.8 In all circumstances MENTOR’s prior written consent must be obtained before return of the Goods.

9.9 若确为有效的保修要求,则与保修服务有关的运费、运输成本应由巴阁士承担。


9.9 Provided that it is a valid warranty claim, freight / transport costs incurred for Warranty Service shall be borne by MENTOR.

In the event that Goods are returned by Customer for MENTOR’s checking, but turned out to be NOT covered by Warranty Service pursuant to this GTC, the Customer shall bear any concerning freight / transport cost by its own.


10 Intellectual Property Rights

10.1 巴阁士供应的货物在双方同意的交付目的地没有任何知识产权及第三方版权(“知识产权”)争议。

10.1 MENTOR shall supply the Goods free and clear of intellectual property rights and third party copyrights ("Intellectual Property Rights") existing at the agreed destination of the Goods.

10.2 对于由巴阁士提供的且客户根据协议使用的货物,若任一第三方向客户主张知识产权侵权赔偿,客户须在知悉该侵权主张后立刻书面通知巴阁士不得拖延。另外客户不得擅自向该第三方承认存在侵权行为,巴阁士有权自行选择采取任何和所有措施进行抗辩或达成和解。若客户停止使用涉嫌侵权的巴阁士货物和服务,则须告知该第三方停止使用并不构成承认存在知识产权侵权行为。

10.2 Should a third party assert legitimate claims against the Customer based on the infringement of Intellectual Property Rights by the Goods delivered by MENTOR as used in accordance with the agreement, the Customer shall notify MENTOR in writing and without undue delay. Furthermore the Customer shall not acknowledge any infringement to the third party, and MENTOR retains a discretion in relation to any and all measures in mounting a defense and settlement negotiation. Should the Customer cease use of the MENTOR’s Goods and services, it shall notify the third party that cessation of use does not constitute an acknowledgement of any infringement of an Intellectual Property Right.

10.3 巴阁士有权自行选择为相关货物准备证书、进行相应修改以确保货物不再侵犯相关知识产权,或者进行换货,费用由巴阁士承担。

10.3 MENTOR shall, at its choice and at its expense, either arrange a license for the relevant Goods, modify them such that the relevant Intellectual Property Right is not infringed, or exchange them.

10.4 若出现以下情况,则巴阁士对客户的索赔免责:客户须自行负责知识产权的侵权行为的,和/或知识产权的侵权行为系根据协议中的客户要求所造成,和/或由巴阁士不可预见的应用所造成,和/或由客户擅自修改所造成,和/或由与非巴阁士提供的产品共同使用所造成。

11.4 Claims on the part of the Customer shall be excluded if the Customer is responsible for the infringement of an Intellectual Property Right, and/or if the infringement of an Intellectual Property Right is caused by stipulations by the Customer, and/or by an application not foreseeable by MENTOR, and/or by a modification by the Custom, and/or or by use of service in conjunction with products no delivered by MENTOR.

10.5 若交付范围内包含软件,则巴阁士授权客户非排他性、不可转让地使用这些软件。

10.5 Should software be included in the scope of delivery, MENTOR grants to the Customer a nonexclusive and non-transferable right of use therein.

11 责任

11 Liability

11.1 根据相关法律法规的规定,巴阁士向客户承担因如下原因所导致或引起的直接损失:管理人员或执行员工的故意或重大过失行为、经依法定罪的伤害生命、肢体或健康的行为、巴阁士恶意隐瞒的瑕疵或不履行担保义务,以及因已交付货物存在瑕疵且同时符合个人使用目的所导致的人身或财产损失。

11.1 MENTOR shall be liable to the Customer for the direct losses resulting from or arising out of, in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions,  in the event of wilful conduct, gross negligence on the part of governing bodies or executive employees, culpable injury to life, limb or health, defects maliciously concealed by MENTOR or the absence of which was guaranteed by MENTOR, as well as in the case of defects in delivered Goods to the extent that liability lies for personal and property damage for privately used items.

11.2 客户应采取任何和所有必要及合理的措施以防止损失发生或及时止损。尤其是,客户应确保定期备份程序和数据。

11.2 The Customer shall take any and all necessary and reasonable steps in order to prevent or limit damages. In particular, the Customer shall ensure the regular backing up of programs and data.

12 遵守法律,反腐败

12 Compliance with Laws, Anti-Corruption

12.1 客户保证其所有行为遵守相关法律,包括反垄断法、反贪污和洗钱相关的规定及其他刑法条款。

12.1 The Customer warrants that he is acting in accordance with applicable laws, including antitrust laws and regulations on corruption and money laundering and other criminal law provisions.

12.2 若巴阁士有理由怀疑客户违反上述义务且继续履行协议对于巴阁士而言不合理,则巴阁士有权立即终止协议。


  1. 免除巴阁士履行该协议的任何义务,

< >客户须赔偿并保护巴阁士及其雇员免受客户因违反本第13条义务的规定而造成的任何和所有损失。12.2 If there is reason to suspect that the Customer is in breach of above obligations, MENTOR is entitled to terminate the agreement if it would be unreasonable to MENTOR to continue the agreement.

In the event of such termination,

< >MENTOR is released from any obligation to execute the agreement,The Customer shall indemnify and keep harmless MENTOR and its employees against any and all damages to the extent such damages are based on the Customer’s violation of its obligations under this Section 13. 

13 安全规定

13 Safety Provisions


The Customer shall be responsible for compliance with applicable domestic statutes, regulations and safety provisions, in particular, in relation to admission, installation, operation, maintenance and repair of the delivered Goods and agrees to comply therewith. The Customer shall indemnify MENTOR against any and all claims deriving from noncompliance with such provisions by the Customer.

14 管辖和适用法律

14 Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

14.1 对于因本GTC而发生或与之相关的任何争议,双方应通过友好协商解决。若无法通过协商达成一致的,争议将由巴阁士所在地人民法院裁判。

14.1 Any dispute arising out of or in connection with these GTC shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between the parties.  In case no consensus can be reached through negotiation, the disputes shall be determined by the competent People’s Court where MENTOR resides.

14.2 本GTC及其解释和执行均将使用中华人民共和国法律。

14.2 These GTC, its interpretation and execution shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

上海, 2019

Shanghai, 2019

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